
Game Of Thrones Stark Wolf The Pack Survives Design

For other uses, see Trevor Belmont (disambiguation).

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"For evil bastards to win power, all ordinary people have to do is stand aside and keep quiet."
— Trevor in "Necropolis"

Trevor Belmont (トレバー・ベルモンド , Torebā Berumondo ? , Trevor Belmondo), often referred to simply as "Belmont", is one of the main protagonists in the Netflix original series, Castlevania. He is a monster hunter and the last descendant of the Belmont family, who were (wrongfully) exiled and excommunicated.

He was voiced by Richard Armitage in the English version of the show.


  • 1 Early life
  • 2 Throughout the series
    • 2.1 Meeting the Speakers
    • 2.2 Awakening Alucard
    • 2.3 The fight against Dracula
    • 2.4 Season 3
    • 2.5 Season 4
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Powers and abilities
  • 5 Appearances
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 See also
  • 10 References

Early life

Trevor was the last surviving member of the Belmont clan, a family who dedicated their lives to fight creatures of darkness commanded by Lord Dracula and protect mankind. However, rumors spread that the Belmont clan practiced black magic attracting evil to them, causing the family to be exiled and excommunicated by the Church, with everything the family owned being razed and destroyed by the people they swore to protect, eventually leaving Trevor all on his own at an early age.

Throughout the series

Meeting the Speakers

In 1476, Trevor came across a village where a few of its inhabitants accused his family of practicing black magic. After fighting and defeating them, he fled from there. He then came across the town of Gresit, a fortified city that was not yet overrun by Dracula's army. Making his way inside, Trevor talked to the citizens and learned about the legend of a "sleeping soldier" who slumbered beneath the city. While walking through the streets, he spotted an elderly man being harassed by two abusive priests. Although he wanted to walk away, he reluctantly saved the old man by brutally defeating them. Escorting the Elder back to his hut, Trevor met the Speakers, a group of scholars persecuted by the Church and falsely blamed for the attacks by Dracula's monsters. Persuaded by the old man to find his grandchild, who had gone to find the sleeping soldier, Trevor complied, on the condition that he and his fellow scholars left Gresit and hide from the Church.

Exploring the catacombs, Trevor discovered "hot pipes" and "torches that light themselves". After falling through the floor, he encountered a Cyclops that turned its victims into stone. Trevor battled and killed the monster, freeing one of its victims from the stone prison. It was none other than the Elder's granddaughter, Sypha Belnades.

With her determination to find the sleeping soldier, Trevor convinced her to return to her grandfather to put his mind at ease, believing that the tale of the sleeping soldier was nothing more than a myth. Upon their return, Trevor once again argued with Sypha about the sleeping soldier, convinced that the catacombs were a part of Dracula's castle based on his ancestors writings. He told the Elder to leave, but was convinced by the old man to stay in town until sundown. Stepping out of the hut, Trevor found himself surrounded by priests, who brought him to the Bishop. Being offered a pardon and his life, Trevor was ordered by the Bishop to leave Gresit, while the Speakers would be executed.

Returning to the Speakers, Trevor warned them of the Bishop's insane plans for their demise. He tried to convince them to leave the city but instead found himself lectured by Sypha and her grandfather, who resolved to stay and fight their own battles. Reluctantly pushed by their convictions, Trevor hid the Speakers in the catacombs and confronted the citizens of Gresit alone. He fought his way through the priests and was chased by a mob but was eventually saved by Sypha, who utilized magic. Trevor then convinced the people that the Bishop and the priests of the Church were the ones responsible for the monsters' attacks. The angry mob attacked the leader of the priests, killing him. With the villagers under his command, Trevor instructed them to kill Dracula's monsters, explaining how to do it. After they defeated the monsters, including Blue Fangs, the surface became unstable, causing Trevor and Sypha to fall through the ground and land deeper inside the catacombs than they were before.

Awakening Alucard

Avoiding the traps of the catacombs, Trevor and Sypha eventually found a coffin. They discovered a "vampire", whom Trevor believed to be Dracula but Sypha believed to be the sleeping soldier. Mistaking the vampire's intentions, Trevor fought him and eventually landed a slash on his chest only to be pinned down moments later. Desperate, Trevor stabbed the vampire in the chest with a knife with the intent on killing him even at the cost of his own life, but to his surprise the vampire spared him and introduced himself as Alucard. Alucard had waited for a hunter and a scholar to find him, as predicted by the prophecies of the Speakers. Convinced by Alucard that the three of them could defeat Dracula together, Trevor led the group as they began their journey.

The fight against Dracula

Needing a strategy to defeat Dracula, Trevor and Sypha turn to Alucard for information. He tells them about Dracula's ability to teleport his castle, and the trio concludes that they will need a way to stop that from happening so they can attack the castle. Trevor suggests that they head to the Belmont Estate; over the years, the Belmont family fought monsters, they amassed a large collection of information and artifacts in a hidden vault. Trevor believes that if the information they need is anywhere to be found, it is there.

Heading out on the road, Trevor gets closer to Sypha while constantly verbally sparring with Alucard. While camping for the night, the group is attacked by night creatures. The three of them dispatch the creatures, although one survives and escapes.

At the Belmont Estate, Sypha opens the vault using magic, revealing that the Belmont family dabbled in the magical arts. Below in the vault, the group finds a vast trove of information and equipment. Sypha is amazed at the amount of information present, although Alucard is disturbed by a collection of vampire skulls and feeling that the entire collection is a museum dedicated to the extermination of his people. Trevor is amazed to find the Morning Star hidden among the equipment and immediately claims it for himself.

Sypha discovers that a member of the Belmont family was already working on the problem of Dracula's moving castle and was developing a spell to lock the castle in one place. It is unfinished but Sypha believes she can finish it. As she works, a group of night creatures arrives above and tries to force their way into underground vault. As Sypha and Alucard work to finish the spell and locate Dracula's castle, Trevor fights off the horde of night creatures using all of the weapons at his disposal, including the Morningstar.

Trevor successfully kills all the attacking monsters, just as Sypha and Alucard successfully bring Dracula's castle above the Belmont Estate. The trio attacks the castle, fighting their way through the vampire army until they face Dracula himself. Though Trevor manages to hit Dracula with the Morning Star, it is not enough to kill Dracula. Dracula attacks the trio with his Dark Inferno spell, but the trio works together to push it back. Alucard, who is near Dracula when the trio counters Dracula's attack, begins to fight his father in a vicious melee duel that wrecks the castle in the process. Eventually, Dracula breaks down when they reach Alucard's childhood room and allows his son to stake him in the heart. Trevor and Sypha arrived and helped to finish him by beheading Dracula and setting fire to his remains.

With Dracula dead, Trevor hands over stewardship of the Belmont Estate to Alucard, who had been planning to end his own life. Sypha convinces Trevor to continue adventuring with her since she believes that Trevor's destiny is to fight evil. Bidding farewell to Alucard, Trevor accompanies Sypha as they first head to find the Speakers before heading on to face the remains of Dracula's army at Braila.

Season 3

Season 4


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"I am Trevor Belmont of the House of Belmont, and dying has never frightened me."
— Trevor Belmont in "Labyrinth"

Trevor is the last of the Belmonts, a family dedicated to monster hunting, so as to protect the citizens of Wallachia. The Belmonts fell on hard times when the Church excommunicated the family and banished them from their ancestral lands. Given practices of the Church's leadership, the excommunication was likely done because the Belmonts knowledge conflicted with the Church's teachings, the association between the Belmonts and the monsters they hunt, the Belmont's martial power, or all of the above reasons. Whatever the case, the excommunication has had a profound influence on Trevor. As when we first meet him, he is nothing like his heroic family of legend, but rather, a flippant, smarmy, unconcerned drunk completely lacking in ambition. His only goals in life being to eat, drink, piss, and sleep.

Ironically, Trevor draws many parallels to Dracula in that they have both become misanthropic as a direct result of the Church wrongly prosecuting them and their loved ones. This parallel is exemplified by their very similar statements regarding how the citizens of Wallachia reacted to the Church's misdeeds. Dracula said of the citizens who watched his wife burn that anyone of them could have stood up and said: "No, we won't behave like animals anymore". Trevor similarly observes the Church and the citizens that "For evil bastards to win power, all ordinary people have to do is stand aside and keep quiet". Showing his disdain for the citizens to the extent of spitting on their corpses in passing.

But unlike Dracula, who is actively killing humans, Trevor has simply developed a cynical, blunt and apathetic attitude toward the citizens of Wallachia, even so far as to barely feign concern upon seeing a demon carrying a baby's corpse in its mouth. His indifferent and borderline nihilistic nature is likely due to a powerful feeling of resentment for humans in general and his loss of purpose as a monster hunter, making him carefree enough to go on as a wandering alcoholic who protects himself and is content to let citizens suffer the fate they have allowed to befall themselves.Furthermore, he is perpetually gloomy even beyond his own recognition, as noted by Sypha, and weary of the cruelty of the world, but despite this, he maintains something of caustic and smarmy wit about him when interacting with others, even in times of lethal conflict.

But despite appearing morally bankrupt, Trevor is still maintains his attributes of being a protector at heart, but sees his assistance and knowledge as being unwanted due to his excommunication. He demonstrates a soft spot and a protective attitude toward those who have been wronged as he has, such as when he goes out of his way defend Elder from a group of priests that would attempt to murder. Upon him being initially drawn into the battle for Gresit when he decides to defend the Speakers, who are helping the townsfolk from the Church's prosecution, he affirms that he is acutely aware of the dangers of prosecution that they face and seeks to be a protector in that capacity for the Speakers. Proving himself to be rather quick and analytical, in direct contrast to his lackadaisical personality. And while the Speaker's own idealism regarding their stance to help Gresit is something he initially scoffs at, it does slowly reinforce and reawaken his familial purpose, further suggesting his innate heroic desires.

By nature, he is an exceedingly brave warrior who will jump headfirst into incredibly dangerous and enigmatic situations that most others would hesitate to even embark on. Such as when the group of Speakers that he had encountered elected to stay in Gresit until one of their own (Sypha) had returned, with none of them actually going out and searching for her themselves. Prompting Trevor to do the task for them. Amid these scenarios, he tends to keep a calm, calculated and collected nature about him that allows him to think rationally and instinctively. However, while normally focused and filled with conviction, he is rather susceptible to allowing his emotions to get the better of him in the heat of the moment, making him incredibly shortsighted and impulsive, such as when he attacks Dracula with nothing but his fists, due to him injuring Sypha. Although even his Morningstar failed to do damage. A flaw that plays into his normally aggressive and belligerent nature when confronting perceived enemies.

When it comes to his relationships and disposition towards vampires, Trevor is prone to quick judgment and intolerance. This is best exemplified when he attacks Alucard. In Trevor's words regarding killing Alucard: "You have fangs, and you sleep in a coffin". Trevor's relationship with Alucard remains adversarial after they agree to work together. Both men come from conflicting backgrounds. They often insult each other and occasionally piss each other off. Though neither would admit it verbally, Trevor and Alucard respect each other. After some time, Trevor and Alucard's adversarial dynamic turns to tough brotherly love. Despite their stark differences, Alucard's respect for Trevor seems to come in part to Trevor's practical mind, bravery, and surprisingly selfless nature, with Trevor saying at the end of their battle, "Killing you was the point. Living through it is just a luxury."

Trevor and Sypha quickly grow close during the war on Dracula. After the war, Sypha tells Trevor she wants him to stay with her as they go on further adventures. She notes that since they met, he had regained purpose, doing what he was born for. Trevor realized she was right, that life was as good now as it had ever been for him. Sypha was the closest person he had to a friend. Trevor accepted Sypha's proposal, saying: "I wouldn't know where else to go or who else to be with". Their relationship became intimate soon afterward. Trevor enjoys his new life as an adventuring hero with Sypha. They work and play off each other well, though Trevor does occasionally question his choice. He also is still learning how to have a girlfriend, pissing her off with his drinking habits. In the end, both support each other through thick and thin, bound by closeness and shared experience.

Powers and abilities

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"Trevor has a quick whip and even quicker wit. He's not one to be messed with."
— Trevor's profile description
  • Immense combat prowess: Trevor is an exceptional warrior in peak physical condition and possesses "reflexes like a cat". He was able to win in a bar brawl against four opponents while smashed drunk. When sober, he is nigh unbeatable to all but the mightiest of monsters. Trevor single-handedly slayed a horde of monsters armed with only a pair of sticks while his companions were working on the magic mirror. Later, Trevor effortlessly killed multiple vampire generals and soldiers when raiding Dracula's castle. Trevor also survived close quarters combat with Dracula himself.
  • Master martial artist: Trevor displays outstanding capabilities in hand-to-hand combat. He is capable of defending himself from the inhuman monsters with or without a weapon. He had sent a monster flying into the bookshelves during the fight in the Belmont Hold when he had lost his sword and Morning Star. While traveling toward the nearest town, he and Sypha encountered a squad of demons. When Trevor became disarmed, he fought one of them off with his bare hands in spite of the superhuman strength the wolf demon displayed, repeatedly crushing its throat with ample precision and shattering its leg before breaking its neck. In Lindenfeld, Trevor faced off against two of the priory's men whom are noted by Trevor to be professional killers, trained in the arts of combat and having honed their bodies judging by their obvious muscle, by their grip alone. He fought them unarmed playfully, capable of weaving in and out of their attacks without breaking a sweat. Even when attacked from both sides, Trevor remained calm and collected. He continued to show off a nonchalant aura while executing very advanced moves, dispatching with the goons easily. Trevor also shows he has knowledge of the use of pressure points which he has used in the fight with the wolf demon and interrogation scene where he puts one of the crooks to sleep.
  • Peak human endurance and pain tolerance: Trevor has outstanding survivability for a mortal man, he is shown to be able to recover from attacks from demons, falling great heights and survive getting smashed back first into a staircase by the humongous Minotaur. Trevor also recovered getting punched in the gut by Dracula, despite the latter being shown to able to kill a man with a single strike.
  • Weapon mastery: Trevor is a master with his family whip and shortsword. He has proven himself capable of extreme accuracy with his whip and held his own in a sword duel with Alucard; Alucard being a master swordsman. He is also quite capable with other weapons, being able to hurl spears and axes with deadly accuracy. Trevor also beheaded Dracula with a longsword during the final battle. Since finding the Morning Star, Trevor is able to dispatch most enemies with a single explosive hit. After spending months traveling with Sypha, his mastery of the Morning Star had grown to the point of being able to wield it in conjunction with Vampire Killer.
  • Supernatural expertise: Trevor Belmont is completely versed in the Belmont family's studies on monsters and the supernatural. As the last Belmont, he is quite possibly the foremost expert in the world on monsters and demons. Examples of his knowledge in use are applying salt to weapons and consecrating his family whip to kill demons. It was also Trevor's knowledge of cyclops that allowed him to save Sypha Belnades's life.
  • Educated and knowledgeable of mob mentality: Trevor's knowledge and ex-communication from the Church have made him very aware of the dangers of mob mentality, as well as being resistant to it. A lifetime of being the scapegoat for problems has taught him how to avoid the threat his fellow citizens pose to him. His experience helped him protect the idealistic speakers from the Church and the mob as he anticipated the worst. Trevor is a cynical man, perhaps because he has seen what lies can do to those who believe them. He is skeptical of fantastical beliefs, sometimes to a fault, as in the case of the "Sleeping Warrior" story.
  • Natural military expertise: In the battle for Gresit, Trevor proved himself to be a brave commander and marvelous tactician. He was immediately able to form a military defense against the night horde with Sypha, a priest and a group of terrified peasants. During the battle, he was able to leverage each of his allies abilities to great effect. In Lindenfeld, Trevor remarked on the use of old military tactics such as putting fecal matter on weapons to infect wounds.



  • "I'm Trevor *** Belmont, and I've never lost a fight to man nor *** beast." ("Necropolis")
  • "This is what the church wanted. My family were the only people who could've fought Dracula and his army, but they didn't want us. They wanted to fight the darkness on their own terms, good luck to them." ("Necropolis")
  • "I don't care."
  • "God *** in my dinner once again." ("Labyrinth")
  • "I don't know any of you. But that doesn't matter, does it? My family, the family you demonized and excommunicated, has fought and died through generations for this country. We do this for Wallachia and her people. We don't have to know you all. We do it anyway. And it's not the dying that frightens us. It's never having stood up and fought for you. I am Trevor Belmont, of the House of Belmont, and dying has never frightened me." ("Labyrinth")
  • "The Speakers stayed here to offer aid. It was your bishop who brought all this down on us. Your bishop who started it all by killing a defenseless woman. You would have made murderers out of these people, but the only one here who isn't you." ("Monument")
  • "Tell it to your floating vampire Jesus here." ("Monument")
  • "Stone the *** up." ("Monument")
  • "Dear God, please don't let the vampire's guts ruin my good tunic." ("Monument")
  • "Killing you was the point. Living through it was just a luxury." ("Monument")
  • "You ended a war on humankind. Don't get weepy about it." ("For Love")
  • "So it's staying right here, forever, right on top of the Belmont Hold. Which is now also open to the world. Up here, your father's collected knowledge. Down there, the collected knowledge of your mother's people. As above, so below. Both halves of you, Alucard." ("End Times")
  • "We need friends, but we also need coins. For food, and for somewhere to sleep that isn't the back of the wagon." ("Bless Your Dead Little Hearts")
  • "I'm a simple man with simple pleasures." ("Worse Things Than Betrayal")
  • "We've spent a couple of months living your life. Adventures and victories. And now we're living my life." ("Abandon All Hope")
  • (About reviving Dracula) "Why the *** would anyone do that? Would you do that? (the captive people shake their head in response) Oh, exactly. God this is getting on my nerves. I wish I could *** kill you twice!" ("Murder Wakes It Up")
  • "The whole world's gone crazy." ("Murder Wakes It Up")
  • "We've killed Dracula. And now we have to spend the rest of our lives making sure nobody brings him back from the dead? This is not what I agreed to." ("Murder Wakes It Up")
  • "All we've been doing for weeks is reacting, being bounced from one thing to the next. And we do best when we've got time to think and talk things over." ("You Must Sacrifice")
  • "We need to stop reacting and start acting." ("You Must Sacrifice")
  • "Look into my eyes. Do you really, really want to make my life any more annoying right now, hm?" ("The Great Work")
  • "Wakey wakey, you shower of ***." ("The Great Work")
  • "I'm Trevor Belmont of House Belmont. Of course I know you. Finding things and recognizing things is what we do." ("The Endings")
  • "It's time to give this place back to the people who know how to build things. You and me, we're just killers out of history. It's time for us to go." ("The Endings")


Main article: Trevor Belmont (animated series)/Gallery


  • Despite his name being "Ralph Belmont" in the original Japanese version of Dracula's Curse, the Japanese dub of the series keeps his western name.
  • The crest on Trevor's tunic is a simplified version of the Belmont Crest from Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.[1]
  • Trevor bears a big scar over his left eye. In the main timeline, it is stated that Trevor got the scar on his face and chest during his battle against Dracula.[2] However, the Trevor from the animated series' universe is already seen bearing the scar from the beginning, implied to have gotten it a long time ago during the Church's persecution against his family.
  • Trevor's line in "Necropolis", "For evil bastards to win power, all ordinary people have to do is stand aside and keep quiet.", is noticeably similar to Alucard's line in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing." - itself a quotation usually attributed to 18th-century English philosopher Edmund Burke, who died in 1797, the same yearSymphony takes place.
  • As the series progressed, Trevor progressively seemed to ditch the use of Leon's sword in favor of his whips. This change is mostly notorious between seasons 2 and 3. While it's unknown the reason for this change, it could be inferred that while the sword was more appropriate for fighting humans (sometimes in conjunction with the whip), the use of the dual whips was simply much more effective when fighting monsters.
  • His appearance in the first season resembles Jon Snow from Game of Thrones, with the fur cloak, beard and garb with the laces. Producer Adi Shankar commented that Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII was another inspiration for his design.[3]
  • His Japanese voice actor, Ryōtarō Okiayu, also voiced Alucard in the Japanese version of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

See also

  • Trevor Belmont


  1. Main article: Castlevania (animated series) Easter eggs: Belmont Crest
  2. Castlevania Judgment instruction booklet, p. 22
  3. Main article: Castlevania (animated series) Easter eggs: Trevor's design

Game Of Thrones Stark Wolf The Pack Survives Design


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